BDTD 185 Club Sound Witches

New jams from this ‘primitive techno’ unit featuring Matt Earle of Craft Bandits and Nicola Morton of Bad Intentions et al: wild, low-level electro tectonics that combine the spluttering hands-on appeal of the more tape-damaged end of the Blood Stereo/Prick Decay axis combined with homemade experiments in dub using wonky circuitry and soldering irons. Imagine a chopped and screwed series of early Atari game soundtracks manhandled with alla the shortwave violence of a Voice Crack w/occasional FM Ferarro-isms and you are some of the way there. More profoundly out haunted drone/percussion hypnotics from two of the deepest thinking ton scientists on the Australian underground. Recommended. c. David Keenan 2014