BDTD 200 E24K Equalizer 24K

“Heart attack music” from the solo project of Nicola Morton of Australian underground cells Bad Intentions and Club Sound Witches: using re-jacked electronics, formless noise and sludgy bedroom bass, Nicola performs a crude DIY séance where mutated almost-vocals are narrating some kind of weird cosmo text which is being simultaneously deformed by bombards of insane shortwave and tape destruct, coming over like EVP recordings of a small child being held captive by minds from other realities until the whole deal explodes into the kind of crude beatbox pop that push the techno of Club Sound Witches into the kind of occult stylings of a P.A.R.A w/a more disobedient Silicon Teens>Instant Automatons style. Yeah! c. David Keenan 2014