BDTD 202 Blend 42 From Outer Space

Makes sense that in the deeply personal and homemade world of the Breakdance The Dawn Australian underground that somebody would reference Ed Wood, and here it is, the solo project of Marek Rygielski of Perfect Lovers and Old Growth Cola: Matt Earle claims that Perfect Lovers were the reason he moved to Brisbane in the first place, so that gives you an idea of just how ‘out’ Marek’s vision is. This amazing compilation spans work from 2009 to the present day, taking in collaborations with Craft Bandits and Club Sound Witches, intermissions, live shows and the kind of reality-phasing electro-acoustic drone ritual that takes off on the early Angus MacLise/Tony Conrad jams while minting a form of crude eternal music that has as much to do with The New Blockaders as it does Caroliner or even P16.D4 or Tolerance or Charlemagne Palestine or or or. Which is to say that this is top-shelf hands-on DIY basement psych at a whole new apex of high. Another necessary – and completely confounding – release from Breakdance The Dawn. c. David Keenan 2014